Customer service

How can I place an order in our online store?

To place your order, choose a product on our main page and add it to the cart. If you want to complete the purchase, go to the cart again, fill in your contact and shipping details, and confirm the order. It’s that easy! You will soon have your purchase in your hands!

What payment methods are available?

At Master Products online store, you can only pay by credit card (Visa and MasterCard).

How much are the shipping costs?

The shipping cost depends on each destination country within the European Union. Master Products will not charge shipping costs for orders over €3,000.

What is the estimated delivery date?

Estimated delivery in 3-5 working days (national shipments to peninsula).
Estimated delivery in 5-7 working days (national shipments outside the peninsula and international).

How can I return an order?

All items ordered from the Master Products online store can be returned within 14 calendar days from receipt. To do this, you must send an email to Our team will contact you and proceed to manage the return, as long as the reason for the return meets the requirements detailed in our shipping and return policies.

What should I do if I receive a defective or damaged order?

If your package arrives defective or damaged, please contact us immediately by sending an email to We are committed to working with the shipping company to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently.

Our equipment comes with a 2-year warranty period.

