Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies when using the website ‘’ owned by Master Products Inoxidable S.L. and when using the contact means available to interested parties on the website (phone, email, and social media).
Master Products Inoxidable S.L. processes data lawfully, fairly, and transparently. It only processes data that are adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are obtained and does not process them for purposes incompatible with those.
This Policy is permanently accessible through the link enabled on the website called “Data Protection” and can be updated at any time either due to a regulatory change or by modifying the configuration of services or the type of business conducted.

Who is Responsible for Data Processing?
Entity: Master Products Inoxidable S.L.
CIF: B55310817
Postal Address: Pol. Ind. Veïnat de la Banyeta Nova 10, 17843 – Palol de Revardit (Girona)
Phone: +34 972.299.355

For What Purposes and Legal Basis Do We Process the Data?
To navigate the ‘’ website, it is not necessary to provide any data. The mandatory nature of responding to questions asked or data requested through the website is indicated by the incorporation of an asterisk (*) following the question or form field. If the required data is not provided, it will not be possible to provide the requested service or functionality.
At Master Products Inoxidable S.L., we process the registered information for the following purposes:
Contact: Data received through the website’s contact form or any other contact means provided on the website are used to manage requests or incidents communicated by interested parties. The legal basis for processing is the consent of the interested party and the legitimate interest of Master Products Inoxidable S.L. in attending to and managing the received requests.
Exercise of Rights by Interested Parties: Data provided are used to address and respond to interested parties exercising their rights in accordance with data protection regulations. The legal basis for processing is the fulfillment of a legal obligation.
Data Protection Notifications: Data provided are used to manage incidents and notifications related to security in accordance with data protection regulations. The legal basis for processing is the fulfillment of a legal obligation.
Master Products Inoxidable S.L. uses cookies that do not provide references that allow deducing personal data of visitors. For the policy on installing and managing data storage and retrieval devices on terminal equipment of the website, see the Cookie Policy.
Master Products Inoxidable S.L. will only process the personal data of interested parties in accordance with the purposes described in this Policy. Interested parties are informed of the processing of their data in the aforementioned terms by accepting this Privacy Policy in the corresponding sections of the forms provided on the website.
The provided and collected data will be processed solely and exclusively for the necessary time and for the purposes for which they were collected at each moment, as well as to determine possible liabilities that may arise from the purposes of the processing. Master Products Inoxidable S.L. has established different retention periods depending on the type of data and the applicable purpose of its processing.
Users should refrain from providing personal data of other interested parties unless they have the pertinent authorization according to which those interested parties will have been previously and duly informed about the content of this Privacy Policy and specifically that they consent to their data being provided to Master Products Inoxidable S.L. to be processed according to the corresponding purposes.

To Whom Will the Data Be Communicated?
Master Products Inoxidable S.L. does not communicate personal data to third parties unless a law with the rank of a law provides otherwise or if it is necessary for the contracted service’s provision. Master Products Inoxidable S.L. may communicate personal data to competent authorities: fiscal and customs, judicial, law enforcement agencies, and any other recipient that, according to current regulations, applies.
The data we process are only stored on our service provider’s facilities located within the territory of the European Union.

What Are Your Rights Regarding Your Data?
Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation whether Master Products Inoxidable S.L. is processing personal data concerning them, to access their personal data, and to request the rectification of inaccurate data or complete incomplete data.
They also have the right to request the deletion of their data when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. Master Products Inoxidable S.L. will proceed to delete them without delay unless it is necessary to retain them to comply with a legal obligation or for the formulation, exercise, or defense of claims.
Under certain circumstances, interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case they will be blocked and can only be processed for the formulation, exercise, or defense of claims.

Likewise, interested parties have the right, under certain circumstances, to receive the personal data they have provided to Master Products Inoxidable S.L. in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.
In certain circumstances, and for reasons related to their particular situation, they may object to the processing of their data, and Master Products Inoxidable S.L. will stop processing them unless for compelling legitimate reasons or for the formulation, exercise, or defense of claims.
All these rights can be exercised at any time by requesting it by mail addressed to the Legal Department of Master Products Inoxidable S.L. at the following address: Pol. Ind. Veïnat de la Banyeta Nova 10, 17843 – Palol de Revardit (Girona); or by sending an email to
If the consent of the interested party has been requested to process the data, it can be revoked at any time by communicating it in the terms described in the previous paragraph. This revocation will not have a retroactive effect in any case.
If the interested party considers that they have not obtained satisfaction in exercising their rights, they can file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, the competent supervisory authority in data protection matters, whose contact details are: calle Jorge Juan 6 – 28001 Madrid.
